Saturday, August 23, 2014

Random Journal Entries over a Year

Just finished Satsang with Gurudev & found myself listening to my question read out loud.  Quite embarrassing...the question was around pleasure seeking in the spiritual world.  He answered with an interesting thought.  He said to not to always think "what about me / what about me, what about me...he also I think alluded to the need for being selfless & of service to others - hence not always thinking about your own life."  I sense the answer lies in being more selfless & simply of service to today when I thought about Shakti Kriya, I didn't volunteer to simply help...

I do wonder if school is a selfish pursuit...but it's not for money, but rather to gain knowledge & then serve Gurudev in any capacity he wants. 
 I am confused on being selfless when in complete surrender...

I wonder if Gurudev's answer has something to do with my...."it's the MY that's the issue."  How do you change that to we / us / ours.

Love & JGD

I am with Gurudev at the Boone Ashram.  I was having an amazing day, but felt bad after my dinner conversation with R Ji.  Bless his heart, I don't think he meant to be negative, but that is how I perceived it.  He said that I have to do something specific - be a man of importance at the Ashram...alluding to potentially making a mistake.  I got frustrated with the thought of doing the wrong role / getting into something I don't like, but SO WHAT.   I am there for Gurudev & to be of service whether it's cleaning / leading a team.  I am honestly not a big fan of team leadership...I need to find my own creative path and figure out how to be close to Gurudev / simply surrender.

Gurudev, I completely surrender to you.  Next time someone asks me what I am doing after I graduate, I'll simply say "let's see....I don't really have any ambitions in the spiritual realm...just to be of service & be physically close to the master.

Why is it that the mind clings to something not desired in the conscious?  Why does a vasana that's found in the outside environment affect the mind?  Why is it that we cannot live with purity & innocence?  I assume this is all karma, but am baffled by what the mind chooses to cling to even though it has no interest in what the clinged is.  The mind is a strange vessel beyond comprehension.

I wonder why simple silence of the senses is not a happening...

I feel as though this is one of my last trips to the West Coast & US.  I can tell that I'll be leaving the West soon & do not really have any burning desire to return.  I feel that my relationship with family is ok, but the depth in divine love is lacking.  I feel the depth with other devotees exceeds anything beyond reason.  This is the first time I have realized this.  I feel I am going in very deep & hope to only keep my mind on Gurudev.  May my one pointed focus be on knowledge & serving Gurudev.  May he lift whatever botherations come up.

Love & Jai Guru Dev

I am slowly on the way to the Montreal Ashram.  Can't wait to be there.  Will be wonderful to see Gurudev and the rest of our AOL family.  I'll also get to see D & T.  I felt Gurudev's presence when I pulled up L's photo...I have a feeling L's the one...we'll see.  I am looking forward to learning Guru Puja and will hopefully get the kit too.  I also need to register for GP2 in Bangalore.

7/13/13:  Last night I stayed at KR's house & today I feel guilty.  I feel like I have low Prana and have lost a lot of Tejas.  I also feel like I satisfied a craving that carried feverishness.  How to overcome this desire of lust?  How to find the center & groundedness free from desire?  How to stop hurting another person on this path?  How to uplift that person and be an example free from physical desire?  I feel guilty, bad, and frustrated that this desire for sex still exists.  My wish and hope is that I may overcome the desire for sex.  How do we shift this procreative energy to the heart center?  I hope to one day be able to live from a centered state of the heart center.  May I be free from lust.  This is a wish.  If needed, may I find romantic love.

"Know that you are going to leave everything here and go. You are not going to take anything with you when you leave this world. The cause of misery is holding onto things; mine, mine, mine!" - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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