Sunday, September 5, 2010

A time for inner exploration...

So it's been over six months since I wrote my pre-valentine's blog. I have had an eventful time this year with meeting a wonderful woman and trying to start a relationship. Unfortunately, with my travels in Malaysia, India, China, and Russia this year, starting / making a relationship work when you're not there is a bit tricky. So here I am, it's September now with a little less than a third of the year to go and really looking for the one. I recently hired a dating coach which will be interesting to say the least! I also hired a personal assistant to free up some time. So here I am, 35, and looking forward to meeting a wonderful woman that I can truly feel lucky to be with, trust, respect, and feel emotionally connected to.

I've been reading a lot on spirituality and feel that our souls are truly all connected. The sense of omnipresence / a force that connects us feels / becomes stronger when I meditate. I've been practicing an 80 minute meditation a few times each week for about six months now and feel that I'm beginning to develop a strong sense of intuition and calm.

I completed my dream board and vision board back in May 2010 which I seem to look at quite often. Having a visual of goals and dreams continually reinforces what I want out of life.

On the subject of happiness, I recently read an article in the Financial Times newspaper that talked about how family and friends were a stronger contributor to overall happiness vs. material wealth. This made me think that we need to strive to develop and grow our relationships within the community we live in. I read a quote once that said that happiness in a society / culture is when people strive for the collective good / benefit to the community / inclusion vs. exclusivity / prestige. How do we foster a culture of community and inclusion when so many of us are striving for material wealth / see the Range Rover / SL500 as the ultimate symbol of status and success? Having achieved material wealth, I would now argue that the ultimate symbol of success is a well balanced life, which would include a stable career, happy marriage, family / friends, spirituality, community service, and goals.

So what's next? I am now reading a host of books to help open my mind and create a free and clear path to positive thinking. I am reading Martin Luther King Jr's book, Strength to Love, the Gita, Power of the Subconscious Mind, among other fun business / fiction books. I am hoping to explore the Bible and Hubbard's books in more depth sometime soon.

Off to hot yoga. May we open our heart centers and find each other in friendship or love.

In Loving Kindness,