Friday, September 18, 2020

A New Car / Partner?

feel an overwhelming sense of desire / hankering for some material good.  I keep looking at cars...I am unsure why I keep looking at something that I have replaced over and over again with insatiable desire.  These cars are like women.  You keep pursuing someone, you date them, get into a relationship with them, and then at some point, for whatever reason, the relationship ends, whether as boyfriend / girlfriend or man and wife.  The divorce rate is 50% in the US with 75% of children raised by single parent households.  Cars for Americans have become like their love life...we seem to change them a little too often.  Why?  What craving / desire / lust do we have that seems insatiable?  What is wrong with the beautiful, caring, reliable, attractive, loyal, and authentic vehicle that I drive now?  What’s funny is that you could say this for a partner.  What craving / desire keeps on arising?  Is there someone more attractive, someone that I’ll get along better with?  Is there someone that I’ll fight less with?  Is there someone with lower miles, more reliable, less major breakdowns, less maintenance?  As the saying goes, is she low maintenance / high maintenance?  Will I look better dating someone else?  Will I look / feel better driving another vehicle?  Why can’t we simply “row this boat we’ve chosen?”  Why do I look at women / cars?  I’ve accumulated so many impressions driving different vehicles and dating different women...which is it?  They both represent some ongoing desire that never do we become content?  Is the answer no partner, no vehicle?  Or is the answer in simply becoming full contented with what you have, who you are with?  How do we move from, this sense of craving, to contentment / santosha?  Why did I break up with my last girlfriend that I was with?  She was gorgeous, well educated, came from a good family, we got along great.  She thought our debates were fights...I had no idea we even fought.  I loved her so much, but for reason, I could not commit.  In the same sense, why is that we keep changing vehicles, homes, jobs, gurus, furniture, partners, etc.?  As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, my Guru, said, “the mind wants something new, and the heart wants something old.”  How do we move from head to heart.  My Guru also says to work from the head and serve from the heart.  If we are to make our life as service to others, how do we abide in our hearts.  How do we become love.  How do we love people?  How do we serve them?  My favorite quote from Sri Sri, is “Give and give and give love.”  Seems easier said than done...I think he says it three times because we need to listen to it over and over and over again... 

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