I'm sure it's been a long while since I've written on my blog. I finally broke a year long streak. I seem to have taken a side path from picking up. I was in and out of a relationship with Ami last Fall and then we reunited again recently after I finished the Landmark Forum. She's someone that I've been strongly emotionally connected to, but I'm not sure she's the one and I'm not inclined to get married to her. For whatever reason, I'm not sure and I want to be sure. She's pushing the marriage card so hard, that I couldn't commit. So it's time to move on. I've since hooked up with one of my tenants who's fresh out of a marriage. She's now divorced and seems nice, but also seems quite serious. Pursuing a life that's joyful and lighthearted seems more and more difficult as we make our lives more and more complex. I'm not necessarily arguing for making life any simpler, just simply arguing that if we alleviate many of the loose ends in our life, we'll be happier and more joyful. How do we strive to lower our negative energies and increase our positive joyful energies? I think that we need to clear space in our mind and strive for connectedness within our communities and frienships. How many deep long lasting relationships do we truly have? How do we strive for continuing to develop deep and meaningful relationships. What is our life's purpose? How do we strive to live a life that's truly meaningful with acceptance, energy, or enthusiasm in everyhing we do?
What is this life about? I would argue that the Budhist's five hindrances have something to do with living an authentic and meaningful life. Doubt, clinging and wanting / neediness definitely have something to do with prevening us from living an authentic and lighthearted life. More than preventing / not doing what we want, we should stive for a life with open-mindedness, joy, and peace.
What should we strive for to find ultimate happiness? Ultimate happiness is found from being completely present without dwelling on the past / worrying about the future. When you can surrender your ego, you can allow yourself to drop your pain-body. When you can eliminate your wanting and simply be you can find ultimate joy in being. Some would argue that you might stive for wanting what you have vs. wanting what you don't have, but why not simply drop your wanting all together as what we have is all temporary / impermanent?
How can you find comfort and happiness in life? I think by simply being present to each moment and keeping your journey purposeful so you can find that life's growth is organic and purpose will come. It's like the butterfly that evolves or the butterflies that know which flowers to approach to protect their offspring. They find the flower that allows their offspring to survive and protect.
As we enjoy the day, what are we thankful for? I am thankful for this moment, access to warmth, family, and a call today from a great friend of mine. I am thankful for the great education that I have and the opportunity to apply that education to achieve financial independence. I am thankful for the freedom and freewill that I have to explore the mind and body. I am thankful for introspection and the opportunity to care for others. I am thankful that I have the means to provide for others and explore religions. I am thankful for the challenges and breakdowns that occur in life and the lessons that we learn from them. I am thankful for the amazing people that have touched my life. I would have never imagined the possibilities of learning from multiple relationships and careers. I am thankful for the opportunity to have loved and lost. I am thankful for the opportunity to self-actualize having met most of the basic needs in life. I am thankful for the realization that life is about experiences and not any material wealth. The wealthiest are those that know that each moment is their present happiness and that the lighter we live life, the happier we are. I am thankful for the cultures that exist within my life. There's a lot to be thankful for. I appreciate the world we live in. I feel lucky to have been born in a safe and loving world and family.
So what is left? The opportunity to be intimately connected to one's own family goes beyond our nuclear walls. The undevotional love that we can have for humanity can have a lifetime's impact on those that we come in contact with. How do we increase the joy in others that we interact with? How do we find random acts of kindness? Within the walls of Asset-based thinking, ego elimination, and presence, we can find the diamonds in the rough, the greatness in each momemt and present opportunities for love and kindness within our communities and the world. Why limit this loving kindess to our specieis? How can we increase our karmic joy and kindess to spread to all others? I would argue that surrounding yourself with life and compassion can increase your joy and the joy of others.
On to self-compassion. A funny movie I watched recently was The Love Guru. One of the funny lessons was on Intimacy or In To Me I See - very true, right? The first step towards intimacy is within ourselves. Are we comfortable within our own skin? If you cannot find comfort and love within yourself, you cannot find it with someone else / within your family / community. What are the dimensions of self-compassion? These include mindfulness, kindness, and common humanity. Mindfulness in terms of being present, kindness in terms of being kind to others and to yourself, and common humanity in terms of realizing that what happens to you is not unique, but a part of the human condition.
In Loving Kindness,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
A time for inner exploration...
So it's been over six months since I wrote my pre-valentine's blog. I have had an eventful time this year with meeting a wonderful woman and trying to start a relationship. Unfortunately, with my travels in Malaysia, India, China, and Russia this year, starting / making a relationship work when you're not there is a bit tricky. So here I am, it's September now with a little less than a third of the year to go and really looking for the one. I recently hired a dating coach which will be interesting to say the least! I also hired a personal assistant to free up some time. So here I am, 35, and looking forward to meeting a wonderful woman that I can truly feel lucky to be with, trust, respect, and feel emotionally connected to.
I've been reading a lot on spirituality and feel that our souls are truly all connected. The sense of omnipresence / a force that connects us feels / becomes stronger when I meditate. I've been practicing an 80 minute meditation a few times each week for about six months now and feel that I'm beginning to develop a strong sense of intuition and calm.
I completed my dream board and vision board back in May 2010 which I seem to look at quite often. Having a visual of goals and dreams continually reinforces what I want out of life.
On the subject of happiness, I recently read an article in the Financial Times newspaper that talked about how family and friends were a stronger contributor to overall happiness vs. material wealth. This made me think that we need to strive to develop and grow our relationships within the community we live in. I read a quote once that said that happiness in a society / culture is when people strive for the collective good / benefit to the community / inclusion vs. exclusivity / prestige. How do we foster a culture of community and inclusion when so many of us are striving for material wealth / see the Range Rover / SL500 as the ultimate symbol of status and success? Having achieved material wealth, I would now argue that the ultimate symbol of success is a well balanced life, which would include a stable career, happy marriage, family / friends, spirituality, community service, and goals.
So what's next? I am now reading a host of books to help open my mind and create a free and clear path to positive thinking. I am reading Martin Luther King Jr's book, Strength to Love, the Gita, Power of the Subconscious Mind, among other fun business / fiction books. I am hoping to explore the Bible and Hubbard's books in more depth sometime soon.
Off to hot yoga. May we open our heart centers and find each other in friendship or love.
In Loving Kindness,
I've been reading a lot on spirituality and feel that our souls are truly all connected. The sense of omnipresence / a force that connects us feels / becomes stronger when I meditate. I've been practicing an 80 minute meditation a few times each week for about six months now and feel that I'm beginning to develop a strong sense of intuition and calm.
I completed my dream board and vision board back in May 2010 which I seem to look at quite often. Having a visual of goals and dreams continually reinforces what I want out of life.
On the subject of happiness, I recently read an article in the Financial Times newspaper that talked about how family and friends were a stronger contributor to overall happiness vs. material wealth. This made me think that we need to strive to develop and grow our relationships within the community we live in. I read a quote once that said that happiness in a society / culture is when people strive for the collective good / benefit to the community / inclusion vs. exclusivity / prestige. How do we foster a culture of community and inclusion when so many of us are striving for material wealth / see the Range Rover / SL500 as the ultimate symbol of status and success? Having achieved material wealth, I would now argue that the ultimate symbol of success is a well balanced life, which would include a stable career, happy marriage, family / friends, spirituality, community service, and goals.
So what's next? I am now reading a host of books to help open my mind and create a free and clear path to positive thinking. I am reading Martin Luther King Jr's book, Strength to Love, the Gita, Power of the Subconscious Mind, among other fun business / fiction books. I am hoping to explore the Bible and Hubbard's books in more depth sometime soon.
Off to hot yoga. May we open our heart centers and find each other in friendship or love.
In Loving Kindness,
Friday, July 16, 2010
My Date to KS's Wedding brings another date...
wow...it's been quite a while. I've had an intense 6 months, but glad to be back onlne. Since my last posting, not much has happened, but interestingly, AM did want to get back together. She called the day I landed and said she wanted to talk...we ended up getting back together and then she said she could not commit. So there I was...I said, take it or leave it and she left a week later. Over the next few months, I ended up spending a lot more time with AI. AI and I really connected and I've known her for over 10 years, so it was easy. We went mountain biking and hung out...good times. I took her to a buddy of mine's wedding and I thought we had really connected, but little did I know...she started dating someone. I asked her to join me at MS's brother's wedding reception, and she says that she'll join with the group of girls coming. Little did I know until this evening that she's bringing a date. So here we are. The night before KS's wedding and I'm dateless. Not the best, but whatever. I'm dissapointed, but this is how it goes, right? I didn't have the balls to man up and take her like a man takes a woman. And from what German buddy says, the text messsages had all the signs. So I'm now not sure what to think, but figure, you know what, it's life...might as well enjoy the ride...life's too short to worry about it. And so life continues. One woman after another...would be wonderful to find one solid woman I can love one of these days...GSW
Monday, April 12, 2010
Am I the Emotional Rebound?
So I just got back from Bangalore, India with some bad news before my departure. We'll call her AM for now. AM sends me an email and tells me that she's reconnected with her x-boyfriend and she's sorry to let me know over email. I felt dissapointed and just tired. I thought we had something really special and I think it's really hard to meet someone you really like. I've had some odd negative thoughts lately that I'm seeing a therapist for - sometimes I wonder if these thoughts have entered our shared implicit communications. After visiting a couple of ashrams in India I feel like I've been newly exposed to a path of opening my heart and finding the ability to share good feelings with others. I'm still learning, but feel that there's a great opportunity to share positive emotions and thoughts vs. negative feelings, thoughts, and materialism. This is all connected to the idea of creating more communitarian vs. exclusive outlets in society. How do we also share our heart centers with all those around us?
So I land on Sunday and get a call from AM. I didn't really feel like answering her call and I check the voice mail a little later. Turns out it didn't work out with her x-boyfriend and she wants to talk. I was surprised to say the least. This is after I've deleted her photos and voice mails. I guess you could say I did a little mental / emotional housekeeping. So now I'm torn. I mean, here's a woman I was crazy about, dated for a month, and was so happy to communicate with even when I was in India, but she didn't return my calls or emails and now she wants to talk? I just don't get it. I guess she did just break up with her boyfriend a month ago and recently got back with him as in Thursday / Friday, but I don't know why she would want to reconnect with me on such short notice? I think she needs some space and time to get over her boyfriend. As much I'd like to be with her, I don't believe she's really emotionally available. I've decided that I really do like her enough that I'll give it a shot if she wants to be in an committed relationship. If she says she's not ready and she doesn't know what she wants, then I'll just tell her that I don't think I'm it right now and maybe our paths will cross again. I don't think I'm as emotionally invested as I was before she broke it off, whatever we had. At this point in my life, I'm not looking to casually date, I'm looking to settle down. We'll see. Wonder if I'm taking the right path on this one...we'll see on Wednesday. Until then, In Loving Kindness, RMS.
So I land on Sunday and get a call from AM. I didn't really feel like answering her call and I check the voice mail a little later. Turns out it didn't work out with her x-boyfriend and she wants to talk. I was surprised to say the least. This is after I've deleted her photos and voice mails. I guess you could say I did a little mental / emotional housekeeping. So now I'm torn. I mean, here's a woman I was crazy about, dated for a month, and was so happy to communicate with even when I was in India, but she didn't return my calls or emails and now she wants to talk? I just don't get it. I guess she did just break up with her boyfriend a month ago and recently got back with him as in Thursday / Friday, but I don't know why she would want to reconnect with me on such short notice? I think she needs some space and time to get over her boyfriend. As much I'd like to be with her, I don't believe she's really emotionally available. I've decided that I really do like her enough that I'll give it a shot if she wants to be in an committed relationship. If she says she's not ready and she doesn't know what she wants, then I'll just tell her that I don't think I'm it right now and maybe our paths will cross again. I don't think I'm as emotionally invested as I was before she broke it off, whatever we had. At this point in my life, I'm not looking to casually date, I'm looking to settle down. We'll see. Wonder if I'm taking the right path on this one...we'll see on Wednesday. Until then, In Loving Kindness, RMS.
Monday, March 29, 2010
The first full day in Bangalore, India
So today we went to the office and had a relatively slow day. My colleague, a good friend and wonderful woman, ended up with a rash / allergy reaction to the wine she had on her flight over. I think the wine combined with the foreign food and Bangalore weather probably hit her. We'll call her SLH. She and I worked together in Global and she came from a particularly hard place being a minority female and lesbian. She's happily settled with a life partner and two children she is raising. I think that sense of connectedness and balance is wonderful. I feel guilty when I offend her. We had a good discussion today about race relations and sexual orientation in society. The side bar conversation was more interesting than our work on-site!
I am having a little trouble with all of the road dust and noise pollution. Everyone and their dog honks their horn and it is sooo irritating. I ended up changing rooms and getting a much quieter room on the other side of the hotel. The Oberoi Bangalore Hotel is NICE. I love how in Asia, many of the luxury hotels I've staid in have great wood accents and select wood ceilings and marble baths. A very nice touch.
I traded emails with Amy today, which was nice, though the fact that she returned my voice mail with an email tells me that she wants her space for these two weeks. I'll give it to her and simply hope that she comes around by the end of April. At that point, if she's not ready for a stonger emotional connection and affectionate relationship, I guess I will re-evaluate...she may either not be ready / she may not feel comfortable with me. I don't want to lose her. I think the world of her and hope that we're connected emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
In Loving Kindness,
I am having a little trouble with all of the road dust and noise pollution. Everyone and their dog honks their horn and it is sooo irritating. I ended up changing rooms and getting a much quieter room on the other side of the hotel. The Oberoi Bangalore Hotel is NICE. I love how in Asia, many of the luxury hotels I've staid in have great wood accents and select wood ceilings and marble baths. A very nice touch.
I traded emails with Amy today, which was nice, though the fact that she returned my voice mail with an email tells me that she wants her space for these two weeks. I'll give it to her and simply hope that she comes around by the end of April. At that point, if she's not ready for a stonger emotional connection and affectionate relationship, I guess I will re-evaluate...she may either not be ready / she may not feel comfortable with me. I don't want to lose her. I think the world of her and hope that we're connected emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
In Loving Kindness,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
by Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet (1883-1931)
by Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet (1883-1931)
Also titled: You Were Born Together
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
Also titled: You Were Born Together
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Met Someone...with a very common goal...
I met someone a few weeks ago that I would consider a gift from god. The first time I met her, I thought she was taken...I thought she was gorgeous, and her boyfriend definitely had me beat...he has hair ;-) We had an opportunity to get a picture and she put her hand on my shoulder...I felt a connection that makes you feel simply put, connected. She mentioned dinner and I gladly said I would get in touch with her. The next week we were out for dinner at Kismet Cafe near 24th & Guadalupe. I can't tell you how wonderful our first meeting was...I felt the chemistry both physically and intellectually. We discussed meditation, yoga, and spirituality. I still wasn't quite sure if she was single, but I knew I better try and take it to at least first base the next time we went out...the next time we went out, at the end of the night, she kissed my cheek, and I put my arm around her and went in for the kill...was simply put, wonderful...will never forget our first kiss in my Prius in front of the Monarch :-) So here I am...about a month later, not even, and we've learned a lot about each other. I can't begin to write about how much she's been through and where she's at now. She just broke up with her x boyfriend a few weeks ago and I know she's also dealing with something else too that I will not mention here...and so am I. Regardless, over our dinner last night at Ronnie's, I realized why our connection may have not been a match made in heavan. Both she and I have had a rough time over the past six months and I think we're both coming around. I leave for India in less than a week and will hopefully get a chance to see if I really miss her. We seem to have the exact same goals coming into this relationship. Will be interesting to see if w/in six months, we're still on the same page. I hope so...she's wonderful. Will keep you posted. In loving kindness, RMS
Saturday, February 13, 2010
On Valentine's Day: What I want in 2010
Happy Valentine's! I guess that's tomorrow...I'm leaving Austin today to go visit my 94 year old grandmother in the hospital. She's a true fighter. Someone that's survived multiple strokes and still has her memory and mind. Talk about a full life...from Mumbai, India (NYC of India), married at 14, raised a large family, taught for many years, babysat for her grandchildren, and now spends her time reading and praying. She reminds me of Yoda, bot not quite as mobile. So here I am...34 and about to turn 35 in June. I still remember when I started working back in 1997 right after undergrad and meeting this guy who was 27 and still single and thought, man, this guy's still not married, wonder what's the deal? Well, here I am, 34 and almost 35 and single. Time flies when you're casually dating people, in and out of relationships, and working in a career and starting your own companies. I've made settling down / getting married my number 2 New Year's Resolution this year after 1 which was to start this blog / finish writing a book I'm working on...I usually succeed in about completing 8 to 9 out of 10 of my goals each year, so this is the year I hope. I've already lost one month mainly since I was in Malaysia, so glad to be back in Austin! With that said, I'd love to meet someone who's social, enjoys hot yoga, likes to get out and about, has a healthy circle of friends and family, and who can have an intellectually stimulating conversation or just chill...regardless of all the things you think you might enjoy in someone, I figure when you meet someone who makes you feel lucky to be with them, you have a deep emotional connection with them. You can open your heart to let them in. I'm looking forward to a year in sharing my heart center with someone. With loving kindness, RMS
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Bad Night Out...
Man, didn't have much luck tonight...very scruffy and took my jacket...doesn't sit well at the bars. Very impressed though...Paul's surprisingly a decent wingman. He approached a couple of blonds that we ended up talking to for a little while. I enjoyed the contact, but I'm honestly not in the mood. I really prefer meeting women through friends. Meeting chicks at bars is just not my thing...going out with chicks is a blast, but not trying to pick up. Just my 2 cents. I am still frustrated by my vasana. I actually had a good night without any major issues. Being out has a certain dark side to it. Drinking and socializing / trying to pick up is a whole different ball game. I am no longer much of a drinker though...just prefer the company of a beautiful woman. I need to be out more though...helps build confidence trying to meet women. I don't know...this whole game is getting a little old...I do wonder if I'll be doing this at 40. Man, turning 35 in 4 months...I have 120 days to go crazy I guess. I really don't feel like I'm in cruise control w/my career in limbo. Oh well, we'll see. Honestly, out of all of this, I would have enjoyed Mary Lee's company the most tonight. Regardless, good to be out! Cheers, GSW.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Night I wrote off Mona...
So I spent the day with Mona and finally decided that our 4th day didn't really sit too well. I can't put my finger on it, but I realized, as did my sister and mother, that Mona, simply wasn't the one. Not sure why, but I have a feeling that she's attracted to powerful men who have their shit together. I like to think of myself as simply a happy-go-lucky guy who happen to find a path to financial independence close to home. I'm definitely not a powerful doctor / lawyer that she would probably look up to...I'm the humble guju that succeeded in buying low and selling high with a very humble outlook on life...I simply want to be able to provide a good life for my family and extended family. I miss the emotional connection I had with AD. I miss her deeply, but realize that I had to move on. I am looking forward to spending some time with AI next week and hearing about her 8 areas in life...she and I seem to share a very similar spiritual depth that goes at least six layers deep. With loving kindness, GSW
Friday, January 22, 2010
Random Thoughts from LA
I have about 30 minutes until I have to head for boarding on my way home sweet home to Austin. I get home pretty late at 10:30pm or so and am looking forward to seeing Mona tomorrow at around noon. Odd that at the age of 34, I'm finally convinced that man does need a woman to exist in harmony. Man needs love in his life to successfully exist in society. I used to wonder at the young age of 22 until 25 or so why people around the world were so much alike in that a man and woman were married with children. This world wide common denominator of the family unit intrigued me because I expected to find a civilization / culture that did not subscribe to what I thought was the "American suburbian" way of life. Interestingly though, I noted in my second year in college that cultures did differ regarding their acceptance in the nuclear family vs. the extended family. Cultures like the US / Western Industrialized countries often existed in nuclear families vs. extended families chiefly due to their required mobility. I say required because to me, having your extended family close by is a luxury. I have my parents w/in a 3 hour drive and my sister w/in a 15 minute drive. I have built a very close relationship with most of my family in Texas. I guess I could take the extra step to build a closer extended family relationship with my cousins and my uncles and aunties.
So on to another thought around spirituality. I haven't discussed this yet, but I believe that we all have a battle in our minds. We are always fighting good vs. evil or what we believe is evil / wrong in our lives. I have met with a few therapists / psychologists that believe that this "war in our minds" could potentially be our battle with anger, fear, or frustration. I would argue that love conquers all. Whether this loves exists in spiritual terms / emotional terms, I would say that romantic love / godly love conquers these 3 battles we exist with.
I am looking forward to researching Satya Sai Baba (sp?) and his philosophies. I think that my inferiority / racial fears are an escape / "effect" based on an anxiety / fear of career / financial independence. I wonder if I might be better off cashing out with a laid back gig where I can focus on doing what I love. I love real estate and teaching / lecturing. I would love to teach people about money and life.
Regarding money, I would teach leverage, cash flow, and equity principles around real estate / business with income from a career.
Regarding careers, I would teach pricing / business / marketing / strategy or the combination of all mentioned.
Regarding spirituality, I would focus on finding the lowest common demonator and bridging the links among The Dalai Lama, Gandhi, MLK, The Art of Living, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and any other world religions that come to mind. Ultimately, I believe that the moral right rules. Good over evil, helping the poor and impoverished through literacy, education, food, and safety needs.
I also believe that the new prestige / luxury in life is not material, but is now morality and good for society. As the world becomes smaller and we live with increased stress, anxiety, and depression, how can we offset these natural occurances in an industrialized world with seva / community service and knowlege sharing.
With loving kindness and respect for all leaders and humble providers alike,
A Gemini in Search of a Wife (GSW).
So on to another thought around spirituality. I haven't discussed this yet, but I believe that we all have a battle in our minds. We are always fighting good vs. evil or what we believe is evil / wrong in our lives. I have met with a few therapists / psychologists that believe that this "war in our minds" could potentially be our battle with anger, fear, or frustration. I would argue that love conquers all. Whether this loves exists in spiritual terms / emotional terms, I would say that romantic love / godly love conquers these 3 battles we exist with.
I am looking forward to researching Satya Sai Baba (sp?) and his philosophies. I think that my inferiority / racial fears are an escape / "effect" based on an anxiety / fear of career / financial independence. I wonder if I might be better off cashing out with a laid back gig where I can focus on doing what I love. I love real estate and teaching / lecturing. I would love to teach people about money and life.
Regarding money, I would teach leverage, cash flow, and equity principles around real estate / business with income from a career.
Regarding careers, I would teach pricing / business / marketing / strategy or the combination of all mentioned.
Regarding spirituality, I would focus on finding the lowest common demonator and bridging the links among The Dalai Lama, Gandhi, MLK, The Art of Living, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and any other world religions that come to mind. Ultimately, I believe that the moral right rules. Good over evil, helping the poor and impoverished through literacy, education, food, and safety needs.
I also believe that the new prestige / luxury in life is not material, but is now morality and good for society. As the world becomes smaller and we live with increased stress, anxiety, and depression, how can we offset these natural occurances in an industrialized world with seva / community service and knowlege sharing.
With loving kindness and respect for all leaders and humble providers alike,
A Gemini in Search of a Wife (GSW).
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Exhausted at the airport in Penang and looking forward to home sweet home...
Can't wait...heading home sweet home today from Penang, MY to Austin, TX. I'll write more from Hong Kong layover, but I really have a lot to look forward to this weekend with Mona DC's visit. She's so pretty, but I can't seem to connect with her on a spiritual / emotional level. We had one great night at The Ritz in DC, but otherwise, it's been really really difficult. Guess we'll play it by ear and see how it goes. On the other hand, I've really enjoyed hanging out with Anita, but just not sure...guess I'll give both women a chance.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Must go...
Hopefully this will be come a great way to write in my diary away from home...always enjoy being able to pour my thoughts out and clear my head...better catch my next flight...stuck in Hong Kong and kinda feeling like ass...wouldn't mind just being home sweet home right now, but being out and about is good for me. Orite, will write more and discuss my weekend with Mona tonight / tomorrow. Gemini In Search (Gis)
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