Tuesday, October 10, 2017

On Loneliness

On Loneliness 
Recently, the Surgeon General of the US declared a psychiatric epidemic related to loneliness.  He said that Americans are struggling emotionally & mentally / psychologically because they are lonely.  He concluded that workplace isolation & overworked Americans do not socialize enough.  He recommended workplace group outings and more opportunities for coworkers to be more authentic and socially intimate due to an evermore digital professional & personal life.  

I agree, but I think there is more.  I think loneliness is a symptom / effect of unhappiness.  My spiritual teacher once said that if you saw a great movie, wouldn’t you want to tell others to see it too?  I believe we naturally and simply want to share joy.  When we feel elated and happy, I think we begin to naturally connect with others and also radiate with a warmth that attracts others.  I believe our energy state (prana) resonates with others when we are happy.  I believe the fundamental issue is contentment / happiness (santosha).

A fundamental paradigm shift is needed.  We need to shift from the pursuit of selfish pleasures to selfish joy.  Even selfless service can be selfish...ultimately, YOU get to feel happy & connected to other human beings & your community.

There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says:
If you want happiness for an hour -- take a nap. 
If you want happiness for a day -- go fishing. 
If you want happiness for a month -- get married. 
If you want happiness for a year -- inherit a fortune. 
If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else. 

This is really beautiful and I think it’s so true.  I hope more Americans will take the time out to start their day with the mindset of:  how can I help someone today?  How can I be of selfless service to another person?

A wise teacher once told me, when your responsibility increases, your belongingness increases.  When your belongingness increases, your responsibilities increase.  He said that responsibility equates to empowerment.  When we feel responsible for people in our community / the world, we feel empowered to do something and be of selfless service to help another human.  I believe this is the antidote to loneliness &/ unhappiness.

He said the happiest people lower their personal needs & increase their responsibilities.

With Love for this great country where I grew up.  God bless America.  Does anyone need my help?  Love.

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