During a pandemic, started shopping for new cars...
Instead of serving others, thinking about and even shopping for cars.
Instead of preventitive measures, going out and test driving vehicles.
People are dying. POTUS has COVID. People are isolated and think about the people that have lost loved ones...1M dead worldwide, 200k in the US. People are sick...and you're thinking about a stupid car you don't need. What happened? How did you get so off track?
Focus on helping others. Think about those you can support / help. Think about people that are in need / may need a friend / support. Think of those alone.
Where are we as a people? How is it that China was able to come together and isolate and cure their entire country...why can't we do the same?
After looking at the numbers, I came to the conclusion to simply live your life with precaution...use a face mask, face shield, and gloves. Socially distance and wash hands often. Be smart. No large groups / gatherings. Take care of people...live your life with balance...keep one foot on the ground.
As for car shopping...you were helping a parent and there will be more to come tomorrow. Let the pandemic pass until you continue car shopping...their needs are met right now. Focus on needs vs. wants. What responsibilities can we take on right now?
An Aspiring Yogi.
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