Tuesday, January 10, 2017

On the Path...

I write this as I ponder and wonder about one of my TTC batchmates that has become bored of teaching and doesn't really feel the energy / sattva and joy from teaching, satsangs, kriya, and the sangha anymore.  At first, I rejected the thought, but then realized that as an outward expression, I may also appear to live a similar lifestyle, with some ups and downs, but the ultimate recharge is being with Gurudev.  Being in knowledge and living with his love is the ultimate.  Just seeing him recharges us so much.  Teaching, I feel, allows us to live the knowledge and learn as we teach.  I learn so much in just preparing for a course.  I also feel the sattva increasing as we help others feel uplifted.  I feel like we have such a major responsibility to the world to share this sacred and blessed gift of healing.  Imagine a world in which near 50% of the population lives in depression &/ some form of mental anguish that prevents them from being happy.  I feel that the Sudarshan Kriya is the ultimate gift to humanity.  I feel that the more people we can reach and share this precious knowledge & experience with, the better.  There is so much work to do for society.  I once heard that as we move from this individual sense of existence to a greater sense of sangha or community, we learn to move as a sangha or group.  I've noticed that the energy we experience moving as a group is profound.  There seems to be a blessing that comes over the students and teacher when we move as a group.  I aspire to share the Sudarshan Kriya every day in a group setting.  I aspire to one day create an Art of Living community somewhere in the world.  The peace, joy, and love that we experience is profound.  I used to feel this energy from other teachers and relished in this energy, this sattva; but now I aspire to share this energy and be this source of love for others; to truly be selfless...to allow others to abide in me.  After so many years, I have realized the value of being a source of empathy, joy, and peace for others; to be an anchor for others to hold on to.  As I go deeper in the knowledge, I realize this is becoming less of me and more of him.  I used to pray every day after morning sadhana and would simply ask him,
"may I be a hollow and empty instrument of the divine
 from a space of love, may I uplift and bring comfort to others
 may he use me, be me"

There's so much more to my prayers, but the more I wonder, the more I realize that this vessel, this mind and body, is much more of the divine, and much less of me, myself, and I.  At one level, I feel responsible for my material life, worldly responsibilities, and other worldly obligations; but at a much deeper level, I feel a greater responsibility for this world, for the good and the bad.  I feel sad at crimes against humanity; but happy at progress when I see someone helped and uplifted.  At a macro-level, I feel that we are in the Kuli yug.  At a micro-level, I see the opportunity to bring smiles onto peoples' faces every day, every moment.  I see the opportunity to be of service.  As I go deeper in this knowledge, I can only wonder at the immense responsiblity that will flow through this vessel.  I believe he is preparing us for an eternity of service to help others, to be of service.  This, I feel, is my dharma.

Love is our existence...there is nothing else...the "else" are simply distortions of love.

You are love...you are that.

Jai Guru Dev

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