Tuesday, March 28, 2017

From Misery to Magnanimity

Since late February, I had trouble sleeping and wasn't sure of who / what the cause was...I had finally started taking Melatonin...a high enough dose to ward off jet lag.  I was finally able to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep.  I still felt really tired at times and was not able to actually do push-ups / any substantive workouts except for the treadmill.  Due to neck pain and possible disc herniations on both sides of my neck, I also had not been running in a long time.  Regardless, I was still able to get an endorphine release during a long outdoor two hour walk and it felt amazing...I still got to experience glimpses of happiness.

On March 16th, I picked up an old timer & silence course participant, Charlie Nelson.  Charlie seemed really nice and we shared a rooom at The Sheraton near the silence course venue in San Antonio.  Just the day before / day of, one of my favorite Guru chasers, Preetyji, called and said she's coming to Austin, so I told her she could stay with me & we would get to meet Gurudev at the Austin airport on March 17th.  At midnight on March 16th, I picked up Preetyji and we headed back to my home.  I made her guest bed & attempted to ensure she was comfortable.  I really enjoy her company and felt like an old friend had joined me.  We've been dear friends since the the first time I met her at a Long Kriya follow-up a few years ago.  On March 17th morning at 11:45am, Preetyji & I headed to the Austin International Airport and we arrived early, but exactly just in time to meet Gurudev as he was coming down the escalator.
At that moment, I saw Gurudev and I said Hi & Jai Guru Dev.  He replied and I felt his joy & presence immediately.  Gurudev quickly moved through the crowd and was whisked off in someone's car right outside the airport.

Preetyji & I quickly hopped in my car & the next thing I knew we were one of maybe five cars on a trip to San Antonio.

I could immediately feel the joy & enthusiasm of being close to my teacher, my master, my beloved Gurudev.

As we got close to Gurudev's Hilton hotel and the course venue, I dropped off Preetyji so she could scope out Gurudev's hotel room & I parked the car.  I quickly made it up to the 21st floor and found a whole group of devotees waiting outside to meet Gurudev.  Within an hour or two, we were inside Gurudev's hotel living room and then he came out.  He walked around and before I knew what was happening, he looked at me and said, "did you hear about the award that Sri Sri University received."  Before I could think of what I was saying, I simply said, "I know Gurudev...I want to do seva at SSU."  He smiled and continued giving Darshan...Preetyji looked at me as if I had just won the lottery!  I was so happy to know that he  really knew me.

After some time, I helped Preetyji get settled into her room and I hit the sack.  The next morning, we heard that Gurudev was going to Uvalde to visit the Sri Sri Texas Ashram.  I was excited at another road trip and Preetyji and I were among just two or three other cars following Gurudev.  I pulled up behind a black BMW and was bumped to behind a white BMW X5.  I was still elated to get to guru chase to Uvalde.  I was happy to see Sage and the new French Canadian ashramites.  We got to see Judith and Run Singhji at the ashram.  They all looked great.  Ashram life and Shankara products seemed to treat them well.  I was happy that Gurudev decided to meditate with us.  There were so many people at the ashram before we even arrived.  We ended up meditating with Gurudev for a while in the small meditation hall at the ashram...felt like an hour of pure bliss.  We then went off to eat lunch as Gurudev went inside to rest.  I was happy that Gurudev was taking more rest.  Gurudev seems to have a very hectic schedule.  I would do anything to make him more comfortable.

After lunch, Gurudev announced that he would return to San Antonio.  We quickly piled up in several cars and headed back to San Antonio.  The Guru chasing ensued.

That evening we had an amazing satsang with so many questions answered.  We meditated again with Gurudev.

The next day we prepared to head to Austin for the evening Meditation 2.0 event.  Gurudev got checked into the venue hotel, The Hyatt Regency on Lake Austin.  Preetyji & I got a chance to see Gurudev in his Kutir and receive Prasad, a sweet / food offered by the divine.  I somehow miraculously was fed amazing food during this whole time.  In one way / another, Preetyji & I were offered one meal, lunch / dinner / breakfast, almost every day.  That Monday afternoon, we all got busy with preparations for the evening event.  The evening event was a grand success.  Almost 1,000 people came and surprisingly, several of the people I invited ended up coming...all his grace.  I was so happy that my family was there.  After the successful event, we went upstairs to spend more time with Gurudev.  By 10:30pm or so, we headed home to my place in East Austin.  At around 3am, we received an urgent seva call and we headed to the hospital.  I felt grateful that we had a medical doctor, Preetyji, to look after one of our long-time devotees close to Gurudev.  Such is the nature of our beloved, that as soon as he heard she was not feeling well, at 3am, he went to visit her, give blessings, & state that she would be better after going to the hospital.  The ambulance whisked her away and we followed in the car.  Within an hour or two, things settled down.  Preetyji stayed back in the hospital to be there and support Aunty.  The next day, we were up and running after just a few hours of sleep and we headed to the airport to see Gurudev off.  We all got to see Gurudev.  As I was taking Gurudev's luggage to his plane, the airline staff took over & Gurudev stopped me and something very special happened that changed my life...a true sacred secret.  I hope this sacred secret grows over time.  These special moments with my beloved are beyond words.  I left that time thinking I would see Gurudev in India in late June or November, but then something happened...Gurudev's flight was delayed and he decided to return and spend one more night with us in Austin.  I couldn't believe our good fortune.  I felt bad for the devotees in Montreal, but we were so excited at our good fortune.  So many of us were able to dry our tears (Shraddhaji & I were crying) as Gurudev walked back from the airplane!  That evening, Gurudev checked into this beautiful hotel called The Granduka & we celebrated with a beautiful musical evening in Ushaji & Raghuji's home.  The next morning, as I walked into Gurudev's hotel room, Gurudev served me breakfast...it was amazing getting served by the Master.  I had the most delicious upma ever!  Gurudev lovingly looked at me and he kept on serving me more and more upma.  I lovingly accepted and felt like a dream had been fulfilled.

Later on that day, Gurudev left from the airport and we all waved our final goodbyes.  I felt so lucky to have spent so much intimate time with Gurudev.

His visit was an amazing blessing that has changed my life...I am no longer wondering about the future / ambitious about serving him.  I now know my life is simply dedicated to his work, his service.

As Yoga Vasistha states, for a completely opened mind, may 50% of your time be devoted to service to the Guru and the other  50% be in studying the scriptures with Vairagya as your constant companion.  I hope to one day find complete fulfillment in this spiritual prescription.

With his love as my constant companion...

Jai Guru Dev,

An Aspiring Yogi